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1918 A German engineer surveying during the First World War Acre Anak Negeri Sabah Asas Asia Geomamtic Instruments Sdn Bhd Autocad Civil 3D BN Wajib Selesai Isu Tanah Adat Bahaya Baseline Processing Basic survey Bearing Borang Permohonan Tanah Negeri Sabah Bot karam C.L Cinta Tukang sukat DRONE Demarcation Dicerobohi Edisi Edition GPS GNSS GPT 700i series Gempa Bumi di Ranau Sabah Geran Komunal atau geran komuniti Geran Tanah Gunung Kinabalu Hak Tanah Adat Handheld GPS HiPer Pro GPS surveying system HiPer Pro GPS surveying system in carrying case INSTUN JUPEM JUPEM sabah Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur Jatuh dari gunung kinabalu Juruteknik Jurutera Juruukur Tanah Kakitiga Kalimantan Timur Kaya Kem Balak Kenangan Komunal Koordinat Kudat Kurup LIGS Lembaga Getah Lot Rumah Manggatal Lot tanah Malaysia Mangsa Map Mini Prisma Miskin Mitos orang tempatan N.T NCR Negeri Old Surveyor Pengesahan Pihak berkuasa tempatan Pilot Balloon Theodolite Pole Prisma Profesional Surveyor Qibla Liquid Damped Pocket Compas RCI sabah Read Tape Rezab Jalan Rizab Rood SDR Sabah Sahut Seruan Kerajaan Sejarah Selamat Tahun Baru Cina 2014 Sempadan Tanah Senaman Senarai Juruukur Berlesen Negeri Sabah Simpang Mengayau Singapura Skala Stanley London Brass Theodolite Suhakam Survey fees Tambunan Tanah Tanah Runtuh Tanah adat Tawau Theodolite with Tripod and Hardwood Tiodolit dan Penggunaannya Topcon Total Station Tribach Tripod Tukang sukat Tanah Tuntutan tanah adat UAS UAV Ukur Kejuruteraan : Masalah dan Penyelesaian Ukur Meja Ukur Rantai Ukur Terabas Tiodolit Ukur aras Ukur kejuruteraan Ukuran Sempadan Antarabangsa Malaysia Indonesia Unjuran Victoria Paulsen alat ukur anggaran 1 ekar tanah bayaran ukur car topcon company daerah di sabah dakmie durian for sale gambar ilmu ukur kejuruteraan kelapa sawit keliru keningau kiraan lagu terbaik land survey latarbelakang lereng Bukit locate lot tanah luas padang bola sepak measure mini banglo model Leica operasi pelan pelancong dari German pendaki german pengesahan Sempadan Tanah perairan Kudat pertukaran unit luas dan jarak peta pokok getah sebatik sempadan sepintas lalu setting up sewa tanah sokkia tanah kosong terindah timbus tanah tuan tanah tukang sukat tukang ukur ukur ukur Tanah ukur kompas ukur pengesahan sempadan tanah unit converter program wrong person

Ahad, 8 April 2012

Qibla Liquid Damped Compass Finds the Direction of Mecca

Qibla Compass
Qibla Liquid Damped Compass Finds the Direction of Mecca

Small  Qibla Liquid Damped Compass
Small Qibla Liquid Damped Compass

Qibla Liquid Damped Pocket Compass
Qibla Liquid Damped Pocket Compas

Daerah-Daerah di Sabah

Pilot Balloon Theodolite

400-8403 Pilot Balloon Observation Theodolite


  • Main telescope: Bent axis-type 21 power, 2° field of view
  • 42 mm dia achromatic doublet objective
  • 100' minimum focus
  • 40 mm effective aperture
  • Resolves to 4 seconds
  • Finder telescope: 4 power, 10° field of view
  • 17 mm dia achromatic doublet objective
  • 15 mm effective aperture
  • Lens coating: Low reflective
  • Length: 13.1"
  • Reticule: Spider-web cross hair assembly
  • Eyepiece: Four element achromatic
  • 0.074" dia exit pupil
  • 15/32" eye relief
  • Soft, molded eye guard
  • Sights: Fixed and folded

Calibrated Solid Brass Theodolite with Tripod and Hardwood Case

Theodolite on Tripod Theodolite           

Topcon HiPer Pro GPS Surveying System

The unit utilizes Bluetooth technology which eliminates common cabling problems. The dual frequency, dual constellation tracking allows the GPS surveying system to connect to a host of additional satellites for a higher level of precision. The HiPer Pro uses a UHF radio for long rang coverage, up to 4 miles.

This HiPer Pro GPS surveying system
HiPer Pro GPS surveying system

The unit utilizes Bluetooth technology which eliminates common cabling problems. The dual frequency, dual constellation tracking allows the GPS surveying system to connect to a host of additional satellites for a higher level of precision. The HiPer Pro uses a UHF radio for long rang coverage, up to 4 miles.
HiPer Pro features:

• Compact, lightweight design.
• Dual frequency, dual-constellation RTK GPS+ tracking.
• 24 GPS + 11 GLONASS Satellites
• Fully integrated receiver/antenna.
• Integrated Bluetooth communication
• Long range UHF radio – Up to 4mi. coverage!
• Topsurv software - One Controller Software for All
• Totally cable free solution

This HiPer Pro GPS surveying system Case
HiPer Pro GPS surveying system in carrying case

Topcon HiPer Pro GPS surveying system complete

GPS base & rover with glonass & TDS ranger w/ survey Pro
Package includes:
1, RTK Base with antenna
1, RTK Rover with antenna
1, Tribrach with adapter
2, charging units for base & rover with cabling
1, TDS ranger with blue tooth & survey Pro software
1, data cable with 9 pin
1, carbon fiber pole
1’ hard shell caring case
1, operators manual

Kakitiga, Prisma, Mini Prisma, Pole, Tribach

Alat Ukur Levelling Sokkia B21

Kilang bikin alat ukur

Sahut Seruan Kerajaan